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Kuching, are you ready to grumble with Kavin Jay?

Kavin Jay is probably one of the most talented stand-up comedians I know in Malaysia.

Last year, I had the privilege to watch him perform with the Angry Indians.  The Angry Indians came as part of the all month long What About Kuching Festival.

It was my first live show featuring Kavin and I must admit that he didn’t disappoint.

Well, this year, Kavin is back in Kuching and he is coming all alone to perform for a limited number of audiences.


Before I say more, Kavin Jay is one of the few comedians in Malaysia that is well recognized.

His brand of stand-up comedy is so good, that he had earned shows on Netflix, ABC, BBC and Comedy Central.  If you are not familiar with those brands, they are technically TV show producers.

I am pretty sure you’ve heard of Netflix, right?

Anyway, personally, I like how Kavin pokes fun in our everyday Malaysian life as he sometimes threads thinly between a lot of current and probably sensitive issues.

He doesn’t try to hard to sell his jokes, and I could equal him as the Malaysian Russel Peters at some point.  I mean, the both share two common similarities. Both are Indian, and both are great at improvisation when poking out jokes.

That said, perhaps if you are one of those very sensitive kind of people, you’d better not come to his shows.

I do however reckon that Kavin’s sense of humor would be delightful for Sarawakians.  I mean, we are known to be very open people, right?


That said, I am really looking forward to Kavin Jay’s ‘Ready to Grumble’ show tomorrow (30 Oct).

If you sik tauk, it’s starts at 8PM and will be performed live at CHEMSAIN.

I can’t speak for everyone, but just the idea of seeing Kavin grumble does make the show itself sound interesting.

The fact that Kavin tells his jokes in a very ‘bersahaja’ manner (most of the times) adds to the best recipe for a great time.

Kavin Jay

If you are keen to watch Kavin like I am, grab your tickets by contacting KIM at 0128086262.

Early birds get some discount on the ticket prices, but if you are the type yang last minit punya, be prepared to pay RM60 lah.

Jumpa di sana!



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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