Kuching Shopping Malls

Kuching Shopping Malls are slowly growing in number as major brands start flocking retail space which is now seeing a growing number of visitors in recent years.

Please note that only Kuching shopping malls and shopping complexes are listed, together with hypermarkets such as Servay, MYDIN, Giant, e-Mart and Everrise that build their own buildings, but also open up rental space for other businesses.

These kind of buildings are also included unless they are too small to be considered a mall. Please also note that most malls in Kuching operate from 10AM to 10PM daily.

Listed below are major malls in Kuching.

Malls in Samarahan (Outside Kuching)

  • La Promenade
  • Summer Mall

Those marked with * are considered major malls. Those with # are under consturction.

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