News & Happenings

Satok bridge now open for public use

The Satok bridge is now open for public use.

According to DayakDaily, the opening of the bridge was made known by Minister, tan Sri James Jemut Masing on 20 August 2021.

The bridge collapsed in October 2004, but the government had decided to reconstruct it due to its sentimental value to the city.

The new bridge was completed on May 26, and rumours says that there were plans to make a special re-opening.

However, the plans were scrapped due to the worsening Covid-19 situation and now, the bridge is open for public use without much fanfare.

For more details on the bridge, do read this post on Satok Suspension Bridge.



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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