MoH closes five markets in Padawan until further notice

Five markets in Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) will be closed from today until further notice.
The markets involved are Pasar Awam Kota Padawan (Batu 10), Pasar Awam Kota Sentosa (Batu 7), Pasar Awam Sg. Maong (Batu 3), Cat’s Walk Street Market (Kuching City Mall) and Pusat Penjaja Sementara Taman Desa Wira.
The statement by MPP regreted any inconvenience which will be caused by the closure of the markets.
A New Sarawak Tribune report later on quoted MPP chairman Lo Khere Chiang as saying that the markets were closed after receiving directives from the Ministry of Health (MoH).
No reason on why the markets were asked to close were made known.
The full notice issued by MPP can be seen below.
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