Sarawak will comply with RMCO: Inter-district travel ban lifted!

The Sarawak Government has decided to implement the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), following an announcement made by the Federal Government recently.
When announcing the decision, Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) Chairman, YB Datur Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said that Sarawak will however refine the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which had been proposed by the federal government.
Douglas also announced that inter-state and inter-district travel bans, which were implemented under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), will be lifted entirely this 10 June.
This means that one can now travel in and out of Sarawak without requiring any police permit.
It also means that travel to other divisions within Sarawak can be done without any permit or restriction from 10 June.
Despite the allowance, the Sarawak government will conduct random samplings to those arriving in Sarawak to check for possible Covid-19 carriers. They would also need to make an e-health declaration with SDMC and download the MySejahtera app.
Malaysians with international travel history, including Sarawakians returning from overseas, will be subject to 14 days mandatory quarantine by the government in selected hotels.
Foreigners returning to Sarawak which are holding a working permit or visa, or are under the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) program will also be subject to a mandatory 14 day quarantine which will be self sponsored.
You can watch the full press conference below.