Tasik Danu Serian to have water theme park through Tasik Danu redevoplment

Tasik Danu in Serian might house Serian’s first water theme park in the near future if the redevelopment proposal of Tasik Danu materializes to the tee.

Based on proposals and images shared online, the current massive Tasik Danu in Serian will be transformed with one side of the lake turned into a water theme park with gigantic water slides.
Images shared also show that the water theme park will include what seems to be a lazy pool, kids water park area, adult pool and more.
Based on information from mnscarchitects, the water park will cover 3.4 acres of land, and will be visible from the Pan Borneo Highway.
Beside the water park, the architect agency also shared that the site would also see the building of 193 serviced apartment units with 2-storey lakeside outlets, 3-storey commercial pavilion, 64 commercial kiosks, and 84 lakeside townhouse units.
Location of these proposed developments are shown in the layout plan below.

Anyway, if you are wondering where is the actual site of these development, the layered map below will give you a better idea of what sites are affected.

Generally, the water theme park will be on the area which currently houses the Lake View Cafe, with the other side being the more commercial side of the whole development.
Based on the graphic, it seems that the whole lake will also be shrinked from its current size with the land surrounding the lake used for residential and commercial development.
The proposed water theme park will be built on the lake, with the Tasik Danu itself split into two, known only as Lake A and Lake B in the image.
Images shared by the mnscarchitects architect agency can be seen below.

As you may have observed from the images shared by the architect agency above, the whole Tasik Danu area will be entirely transformed into what seems like an eco-resort area, with facilities like peddle boats, beach chairs and overhead padesterian walks.
I am not sure when the graphics were produced, so there may be changes to the plans when this post was written.
Based on what is shared by the architec agency, the project is currently ongoing and the design is made for Tecktonic & Sons Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
In case you didn’t know, Tecktonic & Sons Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is behind numerous high profile eco-tourism projects across Kuching and Samarahan division which includes the development in Sematan beach areas, redevelopment of Tasik Biru in Bau, as well as the reopening of Roxy Impiana in the heart of Kuching.
The company is also behind the brand Lepapa Supermarket which has branches in Kuching, Matang, Malihah, Serian, Bau, Siniawan, Sematan, Samarahan, Sri Aman and Selangau.
Aside from the information obtained from mnscarchitects, New Sarawak Tribune also quoted Education, Innovation, and Talent Development Minister Datuk Seri Roland Sagah Wee Inn as saying that the redevelopment of Tasik Danu will become a significant catalyst for economic growth for Serian.
In July 2023, Sarawak Premier, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said that Serian’s Tasik Danu will be developed similar to what was done to Lake Taupō in New Zealand.

Lake Taupō is a major tourist destination in the Oceanic country, with it being New Zealand’s and Australasia’s largest lake, being the size of Singapore.