Awah Cafe @DBNA, Kuching

If you are into local Dayak food, you may have heard about Awah Cafe @DBNA.
The place is located at the Dayak Bidayuh National Association (DBNA) Headquarters, a unique looking building, akin the Bidayuh ‘baruk’.
Unfortunately however, Awah Cafe doesn’t share any Bidayuh looking decorations and looks rather like a cafeteria or canteen rather than a place which offers specialty food.
But we weren’t at Awah Cafe for the looks, but rather the food.
Well, on our maiden visit, we ordered Oyuo’ Pansuh (Pork cooked in bamboo), Kasuom Oyuo’ duoh dowon banduok (Fermented Pork with tapioca leaves), Siok masak Sorai (chicken cooked with serai), and Kuduos daun timun (Cucumber leaves)
The price wasn’t bad, and the food was also equally satisfying, although I must admit, I wasn’t all to impress with the Kasuom Oyuok. Service at the cafe was good, and their staff were polite.
Below are some photos of the dishes at Awah Cafe.