Do not miss the finals of the Jazz Band Search 2018 in Kuching

The Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival 2018 will be hosting the finals of the Jazz Band Search 2018 this Saturday August 18, 7pm at the Kuching Waterfront GoDown Amphitheater.
If you don’t know where that is, it is right in the middle of the Kuching Waterfront (or Kuching Esplanade).
The finals of the KWJF Jazz Band Search 2018 will feature four shortlisted local bands performing jazz numbers; The Voglers, Swaiv, Sang Voyage and QCH Band.
These four bands will battle it out to impress a panel of judges in a bid to win a place as part of the opening act for this year’s much anticipated Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival.
Aside from the performance spot at the Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival 2018, all bands are also vying for the prizes below:
Winner: KWJF Opening performance + RM 1500 cash prize + 4 tickets to KWJF2018
1st Runner up: RM 1000 cash prize + 4 tickets to KWJF2018
2nd Runner up: RM 600 cash prize + 4 tickets to KWJF 2018
Consolation for all other band(s): RM 300 + 4 tickets to KWJF 2018
This years Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival would be its second.
Last year, the festival known better as KWJF had a record of 4,000 festival goers. Music aside, the festival also had lively bazaars of food, art, handicraft and other specialty goods and services on offer.
This year, the festival returns from 28 and 29 September at the Grand Margherita Hotel with a bigger star-studded line-up that includes multi-award winning Sarawakian songstress Dayang Nurfaizah, Ito & The Blues Gang (Malaysia), Atilia Haron (Malaysia), Aisyah Aziz (Singapore), Tompi (Indonesia), Tulus (Indonesia), Aditya (Indonesia) Carmen Souza (Portugal), The Natalie Gillispie Band (Australia) and many more.
Read my preview of the Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival 2018 to get more details of the KWJF 2018, including handy tips like where’s the best place to stay during the event and how to get to the event all in one place.
Can’t wait for the Kuching Waterfront Jazz Festival 2018!