News & Happenings

Several protocol roads in Kuching getting facelift

The Kuching North City Council (DBKU) this week shared a video showing off the upgrade or rather facelift along protocol roads in Kuching’s Northern district.

Protocol roads are roads frequently used by high-level officials or foreign tourists.

If you are not sure which roads are protocol roads in Kuching, being asked to give way to vehicles of VVIPs when driving in Kuching is an indication that you are on such road.

Removal of trees along protocol roads

If you remember, DBKU had previously removed and cut down Angsana massive trees along some major roads in Petra Jaya.

These roads were part of the protocol road in Kuching, and DBKU explained that the move was to safe guard motorist.

They also promised that they would replant trees along the same road, ensuring it continues to remain beautiful.

The trees however will be shorter than the Angsana trees which previously occupied the land.

The proposed beautification of protocol roads

Well, DBKU had just shared their proposal of the landscape and the upgrade of several protocol roads in their area.

These upgrades are proposed to be completed by March 2022.

Here’s the proposed beautification upgrades of the said roads.

All the images above are taken from the video posted on the DBKU official Facebook page.

You can view the complete video below.


The new upgrades do look rather pleasing.

I won’t deny that I do miss the shades provided by the Angsana trees.  However, safety of road users are paramount and I guess it was time for these trees to go.

That said, what do you think of the proposed beautification works? Does the roads look better? or do you still prefer the big Angsana trees?



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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