
Kuching International Airport to get upgraded, possible expansion

The Kuching International Airport upgrades would see Sarawak’s features incorporated into the building beginning this year.

According to MAHB managing director Datuk Badlisham Ghazali, the Kuching International Airport upgrades would coincide with another 12 airports in Sarawak that would also get improved facilities and ambiance, as he added that the Kuching International Airport ambiance upgrades had already started this year.

Badlisham further confirmed that RM28.9 million had been approved by the Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) for upgrade works, as he added that both comfort and space would also be enhanced in all 13 airports.

Meanwhile, Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Zohari Tun Openg, dubbed the current Kuching International Airport’s design as being like a factory.

Abang Zohari stated that the departure halls were ‘very narrow’, while also commenting that the Kuching International Airport upgrades must include certain facilities in order for it to be a modern airport.

Abang Zohari further added that that a special committee chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing had also been created to oversee what needs to be upgraded, with the committee expected to complete their findings this year.

Aside from the Kuching International Airport upgrades, Abang Zohari also wanted key airports in Sarawak like the Miri Airport, Bintulu Airport, and Sibu Airpor to be upgraded into modern airports.


Kuching International Airport upgrades

Meanwhile, MAHB Managing Director Badlisham did give a slight indication that the Kuching International Airport upgrade might see it expanding physically.

However, according to the news report carried out by the Borneo Post, Badlisham wanted to settle the Kuching International Airport upgrades first before talking about physically expanding it.

Regardless however, it does mean that there is a likelihood that Kuching may finally have a dedicated Low Cost Terminal (LCCT Airport) in the near future as Badlisham’s comments does reflect that such expansion isn’t off the table just yet.

If airport expansion discussions do however materialize, it would mean Kuching could finally realize AirAsia’s CEO Datuk Tony Fernandez words in which he equated Kuching as the Dubai of South East Asia.



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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