News & Happenings

Christ the King statue is a new landmark for Singai

Statue now stands tall at the entrance of the Catholic Memorial & Pilgrimage Centre Mount Singai

The Christ the King statue now stands tall at the entrance of the Catholic Memorial Pilgrimage Centre (CMPC) Singai after it was officially graced and blessed by His Grace Archbishop Simon Poh.

The blessing ceremony was done after the New Year Thanksgiving Mass on January 1st, and was streamed live on Youtube.

According to Tonison Anak Matan in his welcoming speech to the blessing event, the Christ the King statue is the biggest statue of its kind in Sarawak, weighing about four tonnes at a height 30 feet.

He also commended the Greater Tanjong Committee, which comprises of three villages, for coming together to make the project a reality.

Tonison also said that there are plans to make a square at the area, which will later be called ‘Dataran Robuh Bigiang’ or ‘Robuh Bigiang Square’.

CMPC chairman, Vincent Eddy Siren, in his speech later said that the the face of the statue is symbolic and should be according to the culture where the statue stands due to ‘inculturation’.

Therefore, the one carved on the statue at the entrance of CMPC is showing a more Bidayuh complexion or whatever the artist imagined, thus indirectly a conscious avoidance of the European image of a man with blond hair and blue eyes.

He added that the three fingers show the sign of blessings, also symbolising the Trinity.

You can watch the whole ceremony in the Youtube video below.



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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