Kuching has cheapest hotel rates in Malaysia for December

Kuching, has the most affordable hotel rates for December 2023 in Malaysia said travel site Agoda.
The site also listed Kuching as the third cheapest in Asia Pasific for its hotel rates which average at RM282/night.
Agoda says that their conclusion came based on their data which calculated rates for 22-31 December 2023 on 18 September 2023.
These rates were converted from USD based on a conversion of RM 4.69.
According to the site, Kuching, which is famous for its lively street markets, delicious street food, breathtaking natural scenery, and historic landmarks, is the only place in Malaysia to make its top ten list of affordable hotel rates during the period.
Two other places that were cheaper than Kuching were Hat Yai of Thailand, which had an average hotel room rate of just RM202, and Yogyakarja of Indonesia, which came in second with hotels averaging at RM263/night.
December in Kuching usually revolves around Christmas with malls in particular, going all out to decorate their establishments for one of Kuching’s biggest celebrations.