Jalan Datuk Stephen Yong gets upgrade

Six kilometres of Jalan Datuk Stephen Yong Link to Jalan Batu Kawa project, including the upgrade of Jalan Batu Kawa/Jalan Datuk Stephen Yong intersection to Mile 4 1/2 Jalan Penrissen will begin soon.
The upgrade will see the road, as well as the intersection improved to a dual carriageway.
Jalan Datuk Stephen Yong Link-Jalan Batu Kawa is used by some 19,000 vehicles on a daily basis each day, and traffic volume is expected to increase when the new road linking E-Mart Lee Ling to Batu Kawa be completed
Allocation on the new road has been approved, and an open tender will be called next month.
The road upgrad is expected to take one year, and be fully usable in mid-2017.
Source: BP