Government further restricts movement to within 10KM from home

The Attorney-General’s Chambers website today uploaded a Federal gazette on the Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No.2) Order 2020 that further limits travel in Kuching and other parts of Malaysia.
According to the gazette, the distance a person can travel to buy food and other essential items is limited to within 10km of their home.
This comes as the country tightens control in the second phase of the movement control order (MCO).
The same rule also applies to those who are seeking healthcare or medical services.
The gazette, signed by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, also stipulates that this movement condition applies to any person who moves from one place to another within any infected local area or from one infected local area to another infected area.
It also states a person shall not be accompanied by another when travelling, unless it is reasonably necessary.
Those travelling on official duty including for essential services must also carry with them authorisation letter from their employers.
Any person who contravenes any provision shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding RM1,000 or to imprisonment not more than six months or to both.
The updated gazette had also trimmed down the list of essential services from 22 to just 10.
The 10 services deemed as essential are food, water, energy, communication and internet, security and defence, solid waste and public cleansing management and sewerage, healthcare and medical including dietary supplement, banking and finance, e-commerce, and logistics for essential services.
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