News & Happenings

SOPs to enter Sarawak from outside of Malaysia

The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) on 16 October 2021 made and announced changes for the SOPs to enter Sarawak from outside of Malaysia.

If you are looking for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for those coming from within Malaysia, kindly read this post.

The latest announcement and SOPs will take effect from 18 October 2021 (Monday).

Not much has changed in the SOPs for those coming from outside of Malaysia to be honest.

The SOPs remain similar with travellers required to fill in and apply to enter Sarawak using the EnterSarawak app, get a negative rt-PCR Covid-19 test within three days of arrival in Sarawak and have a complete history of their travel itinerary prior to arriving in Sarawak.

Aside from that, only fully vaccinated travellers from outside of Malaysia will be allowed to transit in Sarawak for 24-hours, while those fully vaccinated who are entering Sarawak will be required to undergo a mandatory 5 days quarantine.

For those partially or non- vaccinated, the quarantine will be 10 days.

The place for undergoing quarantine will be decided by SDMC, and travellers need to prepare to bear certain cost for the quarantine.

This is the latest SOPs to enter Sarawak from outside of Malaysia.

SDMC updated the new SOPs late 16 October 2021 (11.30PM) after issuing an erroneous one around 6.35PM.

Just in case you missed it, Malaysia Airlines is having massive promotions to fly into Sarawak with tickets now priced from RM109 a way to Kuching from Kuala Lumpur.



That said, do follow on Telegram to get more Kuching related news and updates.



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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