At least one lane at 7 Mile flyover to open before Gawai

At least one lane of the flyover at Mile 7 will be open before the coming Gawai Dayak.
This was reported by The Borneo Post which quoted Senior Minister of Works Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof as saying that the flyover will be partially usable before the big celebrations.
Aside from promising the partial usability of the Mile 7 flyover, Fadillah also said that the Mile 6 flyover will be partially usable by the end of June.
This in turn would mean that both flyovers would be usable partially by July 2022.
Mile 7 flyover part of Pan Borneo Highway
The Mile 7 flyover is part of the Pan Borneo highway which is a massive road project running across the Malaysia Borneo regions of Sabah and Sarawak.
In Kuching’s main Kuching – Serian road, four flyovers were announced as part of the project.
Currently, the Mile 10 and Mile 4 flyovers, both along the Kuching – Serian road, are already fully usable to traffic from both ends of the road.
The construction of these four flyovers have contributed to major traffic jams along the Mile 4 – Mile 10 stretch of the Kuching – Serian road in the past, but completion of two of the flyovers have seen traffic congestions ease significantly in recent weeks.
It is therefore hoped that the construction works will speed up so that traffic jams along the Kuching – Serian road can be a thing of the pass.