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Tourism lake for Bakun hydro-electric dam during 12th MP

Sarawak’s plan for lake tourism at Bakun hydro-electric dam area would probably take off only in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

For now, Sarawak was most likely to lay the foundation and infrastructure for that form of tourism.

The Sarawak government is looking at tapping the high potential for lake tourism, with tourists hopping onto amphibious planes from the cities to get to Bakun Dam.

The State Planning Unit (SPU) has been brought into the picture, and the lake tourism study on Bakun is still on-going.

It was also noted that in order for Bakun lake to be developed for tourism, the whole area needs to be split into zones to make them attractive by itself.

Source: BP



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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