Satok Suspension Bridge open to public until 2 January 2022

The Satok Suspension Bridge which has been closed to public since it installed lighting will be re-opened to the public.
However, the re-opening will only be for three days which is from December 31 (today), until January 2nd, 2022.
I only got wind of the re-opening after DayakDaily carried the news.
According to the article by the portal, the temporary re-opening is only during the day (6AM – 6PM), with the bridge closed from 6.01PM to 5.59AM the next day.
The re-opening was done to celebrate New year after the Public Works Department agreed to re-open the bridge following request from the public.
The article further stated that PWD limits the number of visitors on the bridge to 100 people at one time only.
It further reports that the PWD will close the bridge on January 3, 2022 to allow improvement works on the lighting system which is scheduled to enter phase two.
The Satok Suspension Bridge grabbed attention of many when it was recently lighted.
However, the lighting of the bridge came at a cost as pedestrians were not allowed on the bridge since then.
To learn more about the bridge, check out this article on the Satok Suspension Bridge.