Limited business hours and several businesses to shut down in Kuching district

The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) announced more decisions to curb the spread of Covid – 19 in Kuching DIstrict.
This comes after the committee decided to shut down indefinitely massage and reflexology centres from today.
Today, SDMC announced that gyms in Kuching District would be closed immediately as well.
Also affected are food and bistro operators in the district which will have their operation hours restricted to 6AM to 10PM from tomorrow (29 October 2020) onwards.
SDMC further said that gatherings of more than 200 people would also not be allowed in Kuching District.
It is worth to note that SDMC specifically noted ‘Kuching District’ in their press release, which means that Bau and Lundu Districts, which are part of Kuching Division, should not be affected by the decision.
Kuching District is now a red zone for Covid-19 with one village placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) from yesterday.