Brooke Dockyard Industrial Heritage Museum
Restored dockyard which was turned into a museum

The Brooke Dockyard Industrial Heritage Museum is a museum made from the restored dockyard which was established during the second Rajah Charles Brooke.
It aims to showcase Sarawak’s rich maritime and shipbuilding heritage.
The dockyard cost RM42 million to restore, with an additional RM5 million allocated for further enhancements.
Among the key exhibits in the Brooke Dockyard Industrial Heritage Museumare the old crane and machinery, and artifacts suchs as propellers.
Aside from giving an insight about Sarawak’s shipbuilding industry’s history, there are plans to make the site into a recreational hub, with a potentially restaurant also being included.
Photos of Brooke Dockyard
Below are some photos of Brooke Dockyard Museum.
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Where is Brooke Dockyard Industrial Heritage Museum
The map below will point you to the museum.
It is important to note that parking in the museum area is limited.
Brooke Dockyard opening time and ticket price
The dockyard is still under refurbishment and restoration and is expected to open at the end of 2024.
Other Kuching attractions
Aside from Brooke Dockyard, Kuching also has numerous other museums and attractions one can visit. Check the links below to learn more.