The big question after the Valentine’s Day incident

Covid-19 cases in Sarawak are shooting up and a recent Valentine’s Day incident in Kuching City had caused 109 police officers to be quarantined.
The rare incident in mention was none other than the fight which involved two groups at Jalan Green.
Kuching is largely a peaceful place with very little crime recorded, hence making this incident somewhat an isolated case by itself.
This incident however gained quick virality after a recording of it went viral on social media.
Fighting for a girl
In the incident, police said that a riot broke out between two groups of men.
It was reported by The Borneo Post that the riot was caused by a fight over a woman, with the suspects, all men, attacking each other with machetes, canes and a samurai sword.

The Kuching police acted swiftly by conducting a manhunt on nine suspects and they made their first arrest at 12.14am the next day.
Those involved were picked up in both Kuching and Padawan districts and were said to be between 20 to 35 of age.
Suspects were Covid-19 positive
With the suspects apprehended, one would think everything would now play into the hands of the law.
However, that wasn’t the case as two of the nine suspects arrested were carriers of the Covid-19 virus.
It was reported by the Borneo Post that the duo was handed to the Ministry of Health for further action.
To further prolong the story, some 109 police officers were also now required to get themselves tested for Covid-19 due to their likely exposure to the suspects.
Those required to get their swab test include personnel from the Criminal Investigation Department, police escort and lock-up wardens.
The big question
It is hoped that all the police officers tested would not be infected by Covid-19 because they are key to keeping Kuching safe.
Nonetheless, the ‘cheeky’ question on everyone’s mind is likely the identity of the girl who was the root of the riot.
She must be really special since two groups of men not only fought for her, but also brought in friends who are Covid-19 positive to ensure they would win the fight.
That said, perhaps this is where the phrase ‘Kuching girls are worth fighting for’ can be best used to describe the whole Valentine’s day incident.