
Siniawan Country Music Festival (SCMF)

The Siniawan Country Music Festival (SCMF) is an annual event organized in the old town of Siniawan.

Over the years, the festival has grown in stature, from performances just at the sidewalk of shops, to being one of the best country music festivals in Kuching.

The event is synonymous to the Siniawan community and the uniqueness of its buildings which resemble an actual cowboy ‘country-style’ town seen in western movies.  This makes country music just fitting for the town.

Entry is free as the festival is aimed to drive tourist and outsiders to Siniawan.

In 2022, the festival was combined with Siniawan Octoberfest.

What to expect

Siniawan is already famed for its Siniawan Old Town Weekend night market.  As mentioned above, the old wooden shop lots give it a very ‘western-country vibe’ which makes the whole area unique.

The centre road in between the wooden shop lots turn into a food paradise at night as locals sell a variety of food which one can enjoy while sitting under red lanterns which nicely arranged throughout the road and are lighted at night.

Aside from that, there’s also souvenirs and collectables being sold at the night market.

That said, the Siniawan Country Music festival adds to the atmosphere by bringing live country music performances to the already popular street.

During this festival, one can expect a lot of merriment while enjoying a good dose of country music from local and international artist.

There would also be line dancing and a lot of festival goers wearing cowboy costumes which include cowboy boots, hats and vest.

Photos below, shared by the festival would give you an idea of what more to expect.

Siniawan Country Music Festival dates

Below are the dates for the previous festival. Click on the year to learn more about the festival during that year.

Siniawan Country Music Festival venue

Siniawan is about 30 minutes by car from Kuching. Those who come to the festival tend to stay in Kuching and make a day trip to the festival which is held at night.

The map below shows where Siniawan Town is located.

Since the festival attracts thousands, and parking space is limited near the festival area, it is highly advisable to come early.

It is strongly advised to book your accommodation in Kuching and make travel arrangements before you go to the festival.

Other related articles related to SCMF

If you need more information about the event, want to book a hotel, or maybe buy something related to the festival, check out the links below.



Cyril Dason was born and currently lives in Kuching. He loves jungle trekking, clean rivers and chilling out with friends.

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