New Siburan Health Clinic fully completed

The new Siburan Health Clinic is fully completed, with its completion expected to benefit some 61,975 residents across 64 villages and 21 residential areas in Siburan in the near future.
The new clinic which is located behind Eastern Mall was declared open by Deputy Minister of Transport (Road and Air) Datuk Dr. Jerip Susil.
According to New Sarawak Tribune which reported on the official opening, the Siburan Health Clinic has medicine specialists, 13 medical officers, 10 assistant medical officers, 22 nurses, and 39 support staff with further improvements and additions also planned for the near future.
The Siburan Health Clinic old building occupies a wooden building at Lorong 3, Siburan.
According to a report from Borneo Post in 2022, RM28.6 million had been allocated for the construction of the new Siburan Health Clinic, while another report by the daily says that the clinic is a Type 3 Clinic.
A Type 3 Clinic means that the facility will managed by medical officers, and provides services like general out-patient, maternal and child, dental and rehabilitation care. It would also have laboratory and radiological services.
According to the Ministry of Health, Type 3 Clinics usually cater for 300 – 500 patients per day with a coverage area of 30,000 – 50,000 population.