19,000 went to RWMF 2023

Some 19,000 people went to the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) 2023 which concluded last Sunday.
According to an article by Borneo Post, the estimate puts it more by 3,000 when compared to the numbers of festival goers who came to the festival last year.
The highest number of attendance at the festival grounds is 23,650, when the festival was held in 2019.
The festival then was taken online due to the pandemic in 2020, before the organizers opted for a hybrid concept festival in 2021 as the pandemic receded.
In 2022, the festival re-started its full physical festivities and recorded about 16,000 attendees.
With the pandemic now as good as over, it seems likely that the RWMF will regain back its average 20,000 festival-goers to the festival.