Sarawak owned airline sets target for Japan, Korea and Germany flights

The up-coming Sarawak owned airline will fly to six international destinations.
Utusan Sarawak which quoted Sarawak Premier, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, as saying that the new airline will fly to Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia and Germany.
Specific cities which are likely to be connected by air by the airline in these countries are Bangkok, Jakarta and Frankfurt.
Abang Johari was also quoted as saying that the introduction of air connectivity between Sarawak and these six cities is expected to boost tourism for both Sarawak and the cities it connects.
Taking over MASWings to be Sarawak owned airline
The new airline will be formalized once the Sarawak government completes the take over of MASWings from the Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), a move expected to be sealed this month.
According to a news report by The Star in the middle of the year, the new airline is hoped to take the skies in 2025, with Transport Minister Datuk Seri Lee Kim Shin stating that the Sarawak government developing a plan to expand the airline’s operations regionally.
Lee elaborated that the plan also includes the expansion of MASWing’s fleet and the introduction of new routes.
Prior to this Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts, YB Dato Sri Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, had hinted that the new airline will connect neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia, with hopes of extending the service to Japan, Europe, Australia and Korea.
Despite the constant news on the new airline, there hasn’t been a formal name for the airline although it is known that Hornbill Skyways, a Government linked company in charge of aviation in Sarawak, would take the lead in managing the airline.